A programmable LED sign offers your business a great deal from a marketing standpoint. It can help supplement or even replace some of the more traditional advertising methods you may be using. Here are some of the benefits it can offer your business.

How to Maintain Your LED Sign
While LED signs enhance the popularity of your business and help get your message across to the audience, nobody wants to splurge a fortune on LED signs, only to have to replace them a few years down the road. Here are a few tips to maintain your LED sign to ensure trouble-free operation and add a few more years to its useful life.

How to Buy a LED Display
Selection of an LED sign should be driven by the nature of the organizational goals you are trying to achieve and the finances put aside for marketing. It’s indispensable to find a reputable retailer who can deliver an impeccable combination of image quality, durability, service and cost of ownership. An informed buyer is well equipped with the necessary questions to ask and concerns to mouth when purchasing an LED display.

Criteria for Successful LED Sign Advertising
Effective marketing is indispensable if you want to up your business’s reputation and outdo competitors. Investing in top-notch eye-catching LED signage to promote your products and services is just the kind of exposure your company needs and is warmly taken by the public. The big question is: What does it take to make this work? How you choose to represent your business through electronic message boards could have long-term repercussions and goes far to defining it.

Full Color vs. Monochrome LED Displays
Often when faced with the dilemma of choosing the most appropriate LED display for your business, common sense dictates a full color display trumps a monochrome LED in favor of attraction. However, there are many factors which are involved in the decision. You need to take in to consideration your budget, the message you are aspiring to get across to your prospective audience and the nature of your advertisement, before reaching to a conclusion. Afterall, McDonald's restaurants known for their high signage budgets, still finds value in Monochrome LED displays. The question of “what is a better investment?” is presented to many potential LED sign buyers that will have long-term consequences.

LED Signs for Schools
Schools need a means of instant communication with the students to operate efficiently, as they are a hotbed of activity, such as sports games, club announcements, plays, fund raisers, safety warnings, and a plethora of other events that need to be shared with the students and the parents within the community. Bid adieu to rustic blow away message boards, or flyers which are cost-intensive and might be lost, since schools are increasingly incorporating large LED display boards to increase the outreach and visibility of all important messages.

Humorous Appeal: Adding Amusing Messages to Your Sign
Adding humor is a great way to break through the clutter via effective signage, and there are solid reasons why. It is believed to be one of the most powerful tools in gaining attention, engaging consumers and aiding recalls.

Research Study Reveals Digital Billboards are Attractive
Owing to the growing glamour of “digital billboards” around the United States and the world at large, the Outdoor Senior Research Architect- OAAA commissioned Diane Williams from Nielsen in 2015 to do an on location survey that would justify to media sellers or advertisers that digital billboards create a positive impact on consumers. Nielsen conducted exactly 1,256 online surveys with residents age 18 and over from five major cities in the US. The study outlined the straightforward benefits of using digital billboards to advertise businesses through benchmark research.

Tips to Keep Your LED Sign Updated
However, the general perception towards LED signs is that they are a ‘one-time fix’ – this is far from the truth. They require constant involvement in terms of content, color adjustment, and the right graphics to position your brand just right and drive sales. Following are some key areas that you need to work upon and tips to keep your LED sign updated to make the most of them.

The Importance of Restaurant Signage
Like all businesses, restaurants were quick to catch on and incorporated the use of LED signage, both indoors and outdoors. Here’s how a restaurant benefits from installing LED signs.

How Poor Quality LED Signs Can Affect Your Bottom Line
Most people would settle for poor-quality LED signs thinking that they could use the money saved on the purchase to buy a new one when the one they have breaks down in a year or two. But poor-quality LED signs do not wait one year or two to stop working. No, they break down continuously until they just finally die. Check out some of the costs associated with poor quality LED signs

How to Create Effective Content for Your LED Display
How many seconds do you need to get your message across? That actually depends on your product or the location of your LED screen. If you’re targeting pedestrians and you’re addressing passersby in front of your store, chances are, you can display your ads a little longer. Keep it under 30 seconds. If your targeting drive by customers, the ads should be no more than 15 seconds to make sure that your ads can be seen from start to end while passing by. Longer ads are pointless because your target won't see the entire ad from start to finish.